Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) - Field Lectures are one way to broaden students' horizons as prospective construction workers, introduce the application of civil engineering science, and elaborate on the knowledge provided on campus. The activity carried out was “Field Lecture for Civil Engineering Study Program on the Construction of IKN VVIP Airport”, held at IKN VVIP Airport, Penajam Paser Utara on September 30, 2024. This Field Lecture began with an opening by Mr. Muhammad Zacky Muqaffi as Project Manager of the VVIP Airport Project (run way, taxi way and apron) and was welcomed by Mr. Ir. Arief Nugraha Pontoh, S.T., M.Eng. as a representative of the Civil Engineering Study Program Coordinator. Then continued with the presentation of the project and the submission of a plaque as a sign of gratitude for the opportunity that has been given.
Then continued with field visits. In the field study activities at the VVIP Airport of the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN), participants had the opportunity to learn firsthand the airside of the airport. The airside includes operational areas used for aircraft movement, such as runways, taxiways, aprons, and air navigation facilities. Participants observed how the airside infrastructure is designed to meet the safety and operational standards of VVIP flights. In addition, the discussion also covered air traffic management systems, instrument landing facilities (ILS), as well as procedures for the safe and efficient movement of aircraft in these areas. This activity provides important insights into the importance of coordination between related parties in maintaining smooth and safe flights, especially at airports that serve special flights for state guests. In addition, the discussion also covered soil improvement methods applied in the airport area to overcome unstable soil conditions. Some of the soil improvement techniques used include preloading, vertical drainage using prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs), and dynamic compaction. These methods were used to improve the bearing capacity of the soil, reduce the risk of settlement, and ensure the long-term structural stability of the airport.
This activity was attended by students of the Class of 2021 who were final year students in the Civil Engineering Study Program and also attended by several civil engineering lecturers. This activity can be carried out with the person in charge of Mr. Priyo Wibisono, S.T, M.T. as a Transportation Lecturer in Civil Engineering with support from the East Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center.